Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

How To Get Smoke Smell Out from Your House?

If the smoke smell persists after cleaning, you may need to repaint the walls and ceilings. Use a paint designed to seal in odors for effective odor elimination. Painting the walls means covering them with a fresh layer of paint. It's like giving your walls a new look. When you paint the walls, you choose a new color.

Banishing Lingering Smoke Odors

The lingering smoke smell in your home can be unpleasant and persistent. It may result from cigarettes, a fireplace, or a recent fire incident. Eliminating the pervasive odor requires a systematic approach. This ensures effective removal. Guide: Remove smoke smells from your house. Restore a fresh, clean living environment for your family.

Steps to Get Smoke Smell Out Of Your House

Ventilate the Space

Ventilating the space means getting fresh air to flow through your home. This helps push out the old, smoky air and brings in clean air from outside. To ventilate your space, you can open windows and doors, which allows the smoky air to go out and the fresh air to come in. Using fans can also help move the air around and make your home smell better. So, it's like giving your home a breath of fresh air to get rid of the smoky smell. Open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate through the house. Use fans to help improve ventilation.

Remove the Source

Removing the source is the process of getting rid of the things that are causing the smoke smell in your house. If it's from cigarettes, throw them away and stop smoking indoors. If it's from a fireplace, make sure it's not currently burning, and clean out any leftover ash. If it's from a recent fire, remove any burnt items or debris. Removing smoke sources prevents the smell from worsening. It's the initial step to make your home smell fresh again. Get rid of any smoke sources like ashtrays, cigarettes, or burnt items from your home.

Clean and Wash

Cleaning and washing are essential steps in removing smoke odor from your house. Here's a simpler explanation


Cleaning is the process of making things in your home, like walls and floors, free from dirt and smelly stuff. You use water and soap or a special cleaner to scrub away the bad smell and any dirt that's holding onto it.


Washing is like giving a bath to things in your home that can be put in water, like curtains and clothes. You use soap and water to make them clean and get rid of the smoke smell. It's like how you wash your hands or take a shower to get clean and smell nice.

Cleaning targets solid surfaces such as walls and floors. Washing, but it is suitable for soft items like curtains and clothes. Both help get rid of the smoke odor. Wash all washable surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors. Use a mixture of warm water and a mild detergent or a specialized smoke odor removal. Pay extra attention to areas where smoke tends to linger.

Clean or Replace Fabrics and Textiles

Cleaning or replacing fabrics involves curtains, drapes, furniture covers, and clothes. These items may have absorbed the smoky smell and need attention. You can either clean them to get rid of the smell or, if cleaning doesn't work, you might need to replace them with new ones. This step is vital because fabrics can keep and lock in smoke odors. Eliminating these odors from items is crucial for a fresh-smelling home. Wash or dry clean curtains, drapes, and upholstery. Machine wash clothing, bedding, and linens if they smell like smoke. For persistent odor, consult a professional odor remover.

Clean or Replace Filters

Replace or clean air filters in your HVAC system, as smoke particles can become trapped in them. Filters in your home refer to those in your HVAC system. These filters help improve air quality. These filters are like screens that catch dust and particles from the air to keep your home's air clean.

Cleaning Filters

You can take out reusable filters from your HVAC system. Clean off the dust and dirt that has built up on them. You can do this by washing or vacuuming them.

Replacing Filters

If your HVAC system uses disposable filters, you should replace them with new ones. These filters can't be cleaned; they need to be swapped for fresh ones.

This step helps maintain fresh indoor air, preventing the spread of the smoky odor. It's a bit like changing the air in your car by rolling down the windows, except you're doing it for your whole house.

Remove and Clean Soft Items

Remove and clean lampshades, throw pillows, and other soft items that can trap odors. To remove and clean soft items, gather pillows, cushions, and other smoke-smelling items. Wash or air them out to remove the lingering odor. First, you should take these items out of your home. Then, you clean them. You might wash them in a washing machine if they can be washed. If not, you may need to use special cleaning methods or take them to a professional cleaner. This helps get rid of the smoke smell from these items, making your home smell fresher.

Use Odor Absorbers

These materials absorb odors effectively, ensuring your home smells clean and inviting. Regularly replace them to maintain a fresh environment. These items help remove unwanted smells, keeping your home fresh and pleasant. Odor absorbers, like baking soda and activated charcoal, can remove unpleasant smells. Coffee grounds, placed strategically, can also help maintain a fresh-smelling environment. These materials soak up and remove unpleasant smells, including smoke odor. These materials work by absorbing and neutralizing odors. They leave the air in your home smelling fresher.

Paint the Walls

If the smoke smell persists after cleaning, you may need to repaint the walls and ceilings. Use a paint designed to seal in odors for effective odor elimination. Painting the walls means covering them with a fresh layer of paint. It's like giving your walls a new look. When you paint the walls, you choose a new color. You apply a special paint that can cover up any stains, marks, or bad smells on the walls. This makes your walls look nice and clean. It also helps in getting rid of the smoke smell. The new paint can seal in the odor and prevent it from coming through. So, painting the walls can be a crucial step in getting your home to smell fresh again.

Replace Carpets and Furniture

If the odor is deeply embedded in your carpets, rugs, or furniture, you may need to consider replacing them. Replacing carpets and furniture involves removing the old ones. They might have absorbed the smoke smell. Then, you replace them with new ones. This process helps remove the unpleasant odor in your house.

Smoke Gets Trapped

The smoke smell can hide deep inside the fibers of your carpets and the fabric of your furniture. Cleaning may not always remove it completely.

Fresh Start

By replacing these items, you are getting a fresh start. New carpets and furniture don't have the old smoke smell, so your home will smell better.

Improves Air Quality

Old carpets and furniture can release tiny particles into the air, which can be bad for your health. New ones won't do that.

Replacing carpets and furniture is costly. Consider it if other methods fail or if the smoke smell is strong and persistent.

Air Purifiers

An air purifier is like a special machine that helps make the air in your home cleaner and healthier to breathe. It works by taking in the air from your room and cleaning out the things that can make you sick or cause bad smells.

Air purifiers have filters that trap dust, pollen, pet hair, and germs from the air. The clean air is then released back into the room, so you can breathe in fresh air without those yucky things. Air purifiers can be helpful if you have allergies or asthma, or if you want to get rid of bad odors in your home. They come in different sizes and types, so you can choose one that suits your needs.

Repeat as Needed

For severe smoke odor, repeat the steps until the smell is gone. If you follow the instructions and the smoke smell persists, repeat the steps. Smoke odors can be stubborn, and may need various attempts for complete removal.

Think of it like cleaning a dirty window. Sometimes, when a window is really dirty, you have to wash it a few times to make it completely clean. It's the same idea as getting rid of the smoke smell in your house. If the smell doesn't go away after doing all the steps, don't give up; just go back and do them again until the odor is gone.

a girl is standing in smoke

Prevent Future Smoke Exposure

Prevent future smoke exposure by taking steps to avoid it. Here are some easy-to-understand ways to do this

No Smoking Inside

Make a rule that no one can smoke inside your house. Smoking outside is better because it keeps the smoke smell away from your home.

Use Smoke Detectors

Install smoke detectors in your home to alert you to any fire or smoke. This can help you avoid serious smoke exposure.

Fire Safety

Learn about fire safety and how to prevent fires. This way, you can reduce the chances of having a fire that creates smoke in your home.

Avoid Smoky Places

Avoid places with heavy smoke, like bonfires or areas with smokers.

Keep Your Home Ventilated

Open windows and doors to let fresh air in regularly. Good ventilation can help prevent the buildup of indoor smoke.

By taking these steps, you can make sure you and your home are safe from smoke exposure in the future. Be proactive, and avoid situations where smoking is a problem.

Transforming Your Home into a Smoke-Free Oasis

To remove the stubborn smoke smell, you need cleaning, ventilation, and perseverance. Follow these steps to improve indoor air quality. You'll create a fresh, clean living space. The process takes time and effort. The result is a smoke-free home. It's worth it for a healthier, more pleasant environment for you and your family to enjoy.



An Odor Pros Affiliate, may or may not provide housekeeping services; however, they will always clean homes & business - the ones that scare the average cleaning contractor away is our forte. You see, the presence of smoke odor is the presence of a problem, and we have the cure.


We eliminate the odors that fragrances can't cover, and ozone can't destroy: pet odors, tobacco, musty, stale air, odors from mold, mildew, hard workouts or bad living - we guarantee to rid them from your world, and then support you with the products necessary to keep them away!


Not all disinfectants are alike.

Many are sold by their fragrance, rather than by their performance. Fragrance has nothing to do with protecting your world.

We only use those that will rid germs quickly and leave no toxic residue behind. We insist on offering safer solutions.


Disinfectants only work when their wet - for about 10 minutes out of the day. Germs are deposited 1440 minutes of the day (24 hours), so we offer the application of non-toxic, completely sustainable coatings that keep bugs at bay. Surface protectants are your very best defense.

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Of Western Pennsylvania

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  • Allegheny
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  • Westmoreland

We Also Serve These Counties of West Virginia:

  • Brooke
  • Hancock
  • Marshall
  • Ohio

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Professional Odor Removal Services for Pittsburgh & The Allegheny Valley

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