Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Quick & Common Sense Solutions for Tackling Home Odor Issues

Getting Started in the Battle Against Home Odors with Items You Have At Home... Before You Call in the Pros!

What You Can Do Immediately to Tackle Home Odors

In this selection of articles, we provide you some hints and tips for ways to tackle common home odor issues: pet odors, smoke odors, damp and musty odors that will at some time plague the common homeowner, apartment renter, property manager or real estate agent looking to sell a home. Should these not work to your complete satisfaction, then we're here to help. Just call the OdorPros!

A pet pees on a hardwood floor
Eliminating Pet Odors from Hardwood Floor
Hardwood floors provide a timeless and elegant look to our homes, but they can also absorb and retain unpleasant pet odors. From accidents to pet dander, these odors can become persistent and affect the overall ambiance of our living spaces.
a person cleaning carpet and a cat sitting beside sadly.
Unmasking the Mystery: Unveiling the Sources of Pet Odors
Living with pets is a rewarding experience, but managing pet odors is an inevitable part of the journey. By understanding the various sources of pet odors and adopting proactive measures, we can create a fresh and inviting living environment for both our pets and ourselves.
Pet Odors: A Guide to a Fresh and Odor-Free Home
The safety of our pets and our families should always be a top priority. Opt for cleaning products that are natural and non-toxic to ensure you're not introducing harmful chemicals into your home environment.
Pet Odor Removal: Homemade Remedies in a Pinch
From the occasional "accident" to lingering smells on their fur, pet odor can become a pesky problem. While there are countless commercial products on the market claiming to tackle these odors, they often contain harsh chemicals that may not be pet-friendly.
a puppy peed on carpet and standing besides it.
Carpets and Rug Odors: Tips and Tricks for a Better Scent
Carpets and rugs play an essential role in creating a cozy and comfortable living environment. However, they can also trap and retain unwanted odors over time. With the right approach and a bit of effort, you can restore your carpets and rugs to their former freshness and keep your home smelling clean and inviting.
a dog sitting on the couch sadly after peeing on the couch.
A Guide to Removing Pet Odors and Gaining Fresh Furniture
It's essential to identify the source of the pet odor. This step ensures you can address the problem at its root. Sometimes, pet accidents or spills might go unnoticed, leading to lingering smells.
a dog is comfortably sleeping in his bed.
Say Goodbye to Pet Bed Odors: The Ultimate Guide
Keeping your pet's bed and bedding clean and odor-free is essential for their health and well-being, as well as for a harmonious living environment. By following a regular cleaning routine, using pet-safe products, and incorporating natural odor-absorbing remedies, you can bid farewell to unpleasant pet bed odors.
Hiring Professional Pet Odor Removal Services
Sometimes the 'hacks' for removing pet odor yourself just won't work as you expected. When that happens, call in the Pros - The OdorPros of Western PA!
a girl is turning car air condition because of cigarette smoke smell in the car
How To Get Rid Of Cigarette Smell In Car
Banishing that stubborn cigarette smell is not only essential for your comfort but also for creating a healthier environment. As a professional Odoro Removal Company in Western, Pennsylvania, we will give you some ingenious methods to kick that odorous habit out of your car.
a couple sitting on a couch in their new house and they have hands on their nose because of skunk smell in the house.
How To Get Skunk Smell Out Of House
A big deal in kicking out that skunk smell from your place is getting rid of stuff that's soaked it up. The smell sticks to things, so you've got to find and toss out anything that might be holding onto it.
How to Get Cigarette Smell Out of House
Being around the strong smell of cigarettes for a long time can harm your health. It can lead to breathing and other health issues. This shows how important it is to make sure the air inside your home is clean and safe. The lingering smell of cigarettes can cause many health problems. Breathing in the bad stuff from cigarette smoke for a long time can make your breathing worse.
a person cleaning carpet and a cat sitting beside sadly.
How To Get Rid of Cat Odor in House?
Eliminating cat smells in your home can be challenging. Anyway, following specific steps ensures your place remains clean and fresh. Before you use any special spray to remove the smell, you need to clean the area where the cat odor is.
a person is feeling smell in his house.
How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell in House
The first and most important thing to do is find the dead animal and then safely take it out of where it is. It's a good idea to wear gloves and use a strong plastic bag when you touch the dead animal. This helps keep you safe and prevents any germs from spreading. But if the dead animal is in a tricky or dangerous place, it's best to get experts who know how to do it safely. They have the right tools and knowledge to remove it without any problems.
How Do You Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell Permanently
Identify the odor's source before removing the cat pee smell. Small actions matter! They help remove odors. It's something both professionals and careful pet owners should do. To find the exact source of the cat urine smell, you'll need to do a bit of detective work.
a puppy peed on carpet and standing besides it.
How to Remove Dried Urine Smell from Carpet?
Well, pee is mostly water, especially when it’s fresh. By blotting (that’s just a fancy word for gently pressing), you stop the pee from sinking deeper into your carpet. It’s like stopping a spreading puddle before it becomes a big mess. So, take your time and keep blotting until you can’t get any more liquid out.
a kids feeder is on car seat and milk is pilled on car seat
How To Clean Milk Out of Car Carpet?
Milk spills in your car are a pain. Milk is a complicated liquid with proteins, fats, and sugars. These things can attract bacteria and create a bad odor if you don't clean them up properly. What's more, your car's carpet and seats can soak up the milk, so you need to act fast to fix the problem.
a girl is standing in smoke with a hand on his nose.
How To Get Smoke Smell Out from Your House?
If the smoke smell persists after cleaning, you may need to repaint the walls and ceilings. Use a paint designed to seal in odors for effective odor elimination. Painting the walls means covering them with a fresh layer of paint. It's like giving your walls a new look. When you paint the walls, you choose a new color.
a person is smoking cigarette and a girl in background have hands on her nose, seems like she is getting annoyed by the cigarette smoke.
How To Get Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell in House?
Dealing with that lingering smoke smell in your home? We've got your back! We know how important it is to have a fresh-smelling home. Our guide provides practical tips for smoke removal from your home.
The girl stands holding a rolled-up, presumably stinky carpet, with one hand on her nose and the other gripping an air freshener, capturing the humorous yet relatable moment of dealing with an unpleasant odor.
How To Remove Cigarette Smell from Carpet?
Smoke from cigarettes sticks to things and has tiny stuff that's hard to get rid of. Carpets and rugs can get really dirty. We need to clean them really well because the dirt goes deep inside. Imagine your carpet is like a big sponge, and when someone smokes, the sponge soaks up all the smoke stuff. This makes the smell hard to go away.
a dog peed on carpet and a girl getting angry on him
How To Get Rid of Dog Urine Smell in House?
Dog urine smells can be a tricky problem in our homes, especially when we have furry friends. Sometimes, dogs might have accidents inside, and that can leave a stinky smell behind. But don't worry! We can do things to make our homes smell nice again.



With decades of experience in the cleaning industry, we at Maine Odor Pros, understand the role that consistent and careful cleaning plays in the control of odors. The removal of organic material that can decompose and become a food source for bacteria is key to odor control.


We eliminate the odors that fragrances can't cover, and ozone can't destroy: pet odors, tobacco, musty, stale air, odors from mold, mildew, hard workouts or bad living - we guarantee to rid them from your world, and then support you with the products necessary to keep them away!


Not all disinfectants are alike.

Many are sold by their fragrance, rather than by their performance. Fragrance has nothing to do with protecting your world.

We only use those that will rid germs quickly and leave no toxic residue behind. We insist on offering safer solutions.


Disinfectants only work when their wet - for about 10 minutes out of the day. Germs are deposited 1440 minutes of the day (24 hours), so we offer the application of non-toxic, completely sustainable coatings that keep bugs at bay. Surface protectants are your very best defense.


Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Of Western Pennsylvania

We Provide Odor Removal Services to These Counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania:

  • Allegheny
  • Armstrong
  • Beaver
  • Butler
  • Fayette
  • Greene
  • Indiana
  • Lawrence
  • Washington
  • Westmoreland

We Also Serve These Counties of West Virginia:

  • Brooke
  • Hancock
  • Marshall
  • Ohio

OdorPros of Western PA

Professional Odor Removal Services for Pittsburgh & The Allegheny Valley

For more information, contact us directly

Tel: 412.628.3011 | Email: westpa@odor-pros.com

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

OdorPros of Western PA

Call us Today & Odors are GONE : 412.628.3011

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Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

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