Allegheny Coounty's Auto Odor Removal Specialists

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Guaranteed Auto Smoke Odor Removal!

Eliminating Auto Odors is Where It All Began...

With years of experience, and a proven method, Western PA OdorPros has become a trusted expert in removing odor from cars, truck and other vehicles. Smoke is not the only odors affecting automobiles, but it can certainly be the toughest to eliminate. Regardless of from whence it comes, we know how to eliminate your car odor woes and sweeten your ride like never before. We service the entire State of Maine, can usually fit you in within 48 hours and offer volume discounts for multiple vehicles. Our prices are fair and we provide auto odor removal in Pittsburgh and the Surrounding Counties.

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania


Where's The Odor Coming From?

The Most Common Sources of Auto Odors...

smoking in a car

Smoke Odor in a Car

The Odor that Permeates EVERYTHING

Buying or selling a vehicle in West PA can be very difficult when the car or truck smells of tobacco smoke.

Think of all the soft surfaces in your automobile:

  • The carpet on the floor
  • The fabric on the seats
  • The headliner overhead
  • The cushioned dashboard, armrests and other locations.

All of these areas are prime for accepting odors circulating about your automobile. Smoke particles: the soot, ash, tar and nicotine, can all penetrate into the pores of each of these soft surfaces and make a car reek!

We guarantee to remove all trace of odors from your car.

Click HERE to learn more about Smoke Odor Removal.

four puppies looking out of the window of a car

Pet Odor in a Car

Odor from Transporting Pets in a Car

Burghers love their pets, and their family car may show it.

The same pet odors that can plague your house can certainly exist in your automobile, and likely even more so. The confined spaces within automobiles can collect pet dander, pet hair, the smell of 'wet pet' the nervous pheromones and of course, the remnants of the occasional pet accident.

Like smoke odors, the organic compounds that cause pet odors in cars are small, can enter deep within the recesses of your car seats, carpet and headliner and are far better removed than covered with a masking agent. We offer guaranteed removal of pet odors from you car.

Click HERE to learn more about Pet Odor Removal.

hockey gear odor

Body Odor in a Car

Odor from Hard-Training Athletes

PA Moms and Dads cart around a lot of athletes! So they may be regularly dealing with very smelly vehicles!

We don't mean to suggest that hockey, football and soccer moms smell - far from it... They are just the willing, caring victims of the odor that their athletes bring into their vehicles.

Sports gear stowed in the back of the van, sweaty uniforms on the passengers and the occasional sock that finds its way under a front seat can also continue to punish the poor mom that just wants what is best for her kids, right!. Well, we have the solution, a compete odor removal treatment - every ounce of odor eliminated from her car - guaranteed.


Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Why Do We Succeed Where Others Fail?

It's Because We Have the BEST Auto Odor Removal Program in the Allegheny Valley!

Like many other odor removal processes, we employ an 'oxidizer', a molecule that is able to eliminate bacteria, denature allergens and destroy odors at the molecular level.

There are those that swear by ozone, but our system is far less corrosive and, molecule for molecule, 250% more effective. The light greenish-yellow gas we temporarily generate in your home penetrates surfaces more deeply, destroys odors faster, and is remarkably similar to what is contained within each of our own white blood cells.

In short, you can trust the science.

All West PA Odor Removal Pages & Categories

Why Auto Odors, regardless of the source, can be such a problem...and what you can do about it.

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

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