Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Pet Odor Removal: Homemade Remedies in a Pinch

From the occasional "accident" to lingering smells on their fur, pet odor can become a pesky problem. While there are countless commercial products on the market claiming to tackle these odors, they often contain harsh chemicals that may not be pet-friendly.

Can't Stand the Smell? There Might Be Something Immediate that Can Be Done.

Our beloved pets bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love into our lives. However, it's no secret that they can also leave behind unpleasant odors in our homes. From the occasional "accident" to lingering smells on their fur, pet odor can become a pesky problem. While there are countless commercial products on the market claiming to tackle these odors, they often contain harsh chemicals that may not be pet-friendly. Fortunately, there are several effective and safe homemade remedies to combat pet odors, ensuring your home stays fresh and welcoming for both you and your furry companions. Now, many of these are masking agents, and not as good as our method, but to hold odors at bay, you might try...

Baking Soda Wonder

Baking soda is a versatile and potent ally in the battle against pet odors. Its natural properties work to neutralize foul smells, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. For carpets and upholstery, sprinkle baking soda generously over the affected areas, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up. For a more fragrant approach, mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oils and sprinkle it as instructed. Remember to check if the essential oils you're using are safe for pets.

White Vinegar Magic

White vinegar is another excellent natural remedy for pet odors. Its acidic properties help break down and eliminate odors, and it also acts as a disinfectant. To use this remedy, combine equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the affected areas and let them air dry. The vinegar smell will fade away, taking the pet odors with it. However, be cautious about using vinegar on porous surfaces like hardwood floors, as it might cause damage.

Citrus Zest

Citrus fruits not only offer a refreshing aroma but can also be used to combat pet odors effectively. Save your orange, lemon, or grapefruit peels, and place them in a pot of water. Boil the mixture and let it simmer for a few hours. The citrusy steam will help eliminate pet odors and replace them with a pleasant fragrance. Alternatively, you can create a citrus spray by mixing water and citrus essential oil, but again, ensure the oils are pet-safe.

Enzyme Laundry Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are a great option for tackling tough pet odors at their source. These cleaners contain natural enzymes that break down organic matter, such as urine and feces, effectively eliminating the odor-causing bacteria. You can find enzyme cleaners at many pet supply stores, or even make your own by combining fruit peels and brown sugar in water, letting the mixture ferment for a few weeks.

Fresh Air and Sunshine

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Allowing fresh air and sunshine into your home can do wonders for eliminating pet odors. Open your windows regularly to let in the fresh air and ensure proper ventilation. Sunlight is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer, so take advantage of sunny days by hanging your pet's bedding and other items outside to air out.

Living with pets doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a fresh-smelling home. By incorporating these homemade remedies into your cleaning routine, you can effectively combat pet odors without relying on harsh chemicals. Whether it's the versatility of baking soda, the power of white vinegar, the natural freshness of citrus, the effectiveness of enzyme cleaners, or the simplicity of fresh air and sunlight, you have plenty of pet-friendly options to choose from.

However, prevention is equally important. Regularly groom and bathe your pets, clean their bedding and toys, and promptly attend to any "accidents." With a little effort and these homemade remedies, you can maintain a home that is both pet-friendly and pleasant for you and your four-legged family members. Embrace the joy of pet ownership without compromising on the quality of your living space!



An Odor Pros Affiliate, may or may not provide housekeeping services; however, they will always clean homes & business - the ones that scare the average cleaning contractor away is our forte. You see, the presence of smoke odor is the presence of a problem, and we have the cure.


We eliminate the odors that fragrances can't cover, and ozone can't destroy: pet odors, tobacco, musty, stale air, odors from mold, mildew, hard workouts or bad living - we guarantee to rid them from your world, and then support you with the products necessary to keep them away!


Not all disinfectants are alike.

Many are sold by their fragrance, rather than by their performance. Fragrance has nothing to do with protecting your world.

We only use those that will rid germs quickly and leave no toxic residue behind. We insist on offering safer solutions.


Disinfectants only work when their wet - for about 10 minutes out of the day. Germs are deposited 1440 minutes of the day (24 hours), so we offer the application of non-toxic, completely sustainable coatings that keep bugs at bay. Surface protectants are your very best defense.

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Of Western Pennsylvania

We Provide Odor Removal Services to These Counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania:

  • Allegheny
  • Armstrong
  • Beaver
  • Butler
  • Fayette
  • Greene
  • Indiana
  • Lawrence
  • Washington
  • Westmoreland

We Also Serve These Counties of West Virginia:

  • Brooke
  • Hancock
  • Marshall
  • Ohio

OdorPros of Western PA

Professional Odor Removal Services for Pittsburgh & The Allegheny Valley

For more information, contact us directly

Tel: 412.628.3011 | Email: westpa@odor-pros.com

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

OdorPros of Western PA

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