Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

What Are The Best Odor Absorbers?

Meet Chlorine Dioxide, a super strong hero in the world of odor removal! It's like a superhero for hotels, fighting bad smells and keeping places super clean. Chlorine dioxide is not a superhero word, but it's a powerful thing that helps get rid of yucky smells in hotels.

A Guide to the Best Odor Absorbers For a Fresh Home By Banishing Odors

Imagine you're in a big hotel, and you want it to smell nice. There are easy ways to make sure it doesn't have any stinky smells. There is chlorine dioxide. That eats up bad smells. You can put it in places like closets or near trash cans. Second, there's activated charcoal. It's like a sponge that soaks up the yucky odors.

You can use it in rooms or where there are a lot of people. Now, let's talk about keeping the hotel clean and healthy. Sometimes, there's something called mold that can make places smell not so good. But don't worry! We have things like white vinegar that can help with odor removal. Just like how vinegar makes the salad taste good, it helps clean up odor and keeps the hotel smelling fresh and nice. So, with chlorine dioxide, the hotel can be a place where everyone feels happy!

a bowl, gloves, brush, chlorine dioxide solution and a jar in picture.

The Power Of (Chlorine Dioxide) For Disinfection

Meet Chlorine Dioxide, a super strong hero in the world of odor removal! It's like a superhero for hotels, fighting bad smells and keeping places super clean. Chlorine dioxide is not a superhero word, but it's a powerful thing that helps get rid of yucky smells in hotels.

Chlorine dioxide tablets are like a cleaning wizard. It fights against germs and icky things that make places smelly. Hotels use it to make sure everything smells nice and is super clean for guests. Chlorine Dioxide is working hard behind the scenes to make everything fresh!

chlorine dioxide tablets in picture.

The Classic Odor Neutralizer (Baking Soda)

Meet Baking Soda, our helpful friend for making yucky smells go away! Baking soda is like a tiny cleaning wizard that loves to gobble up bad odors. Imagine it as a superhero for your nose but without a cape. It’s a powder you can put in places where stinky smells live. When it gets there, it starts a magical dance and grabs onto the stinkiness, making it disappear. So, if your room or your toys need a fresh smell, ask Baking Soda for help, and it will do its best odor-removal dance!

What Is The Best Smoke Odor Eliminator?

In your home or at the hotel, baking soda is like a secret helper, quietly working to get rid of unwanted smells. You can find it in a box, and all you need to do is open it and let it sprinkle its magic. Baking soda is a simple and friendly way to keep everything smelling nice. It doesn't have a strong smell by itself. That's why it's like a sneaky quiet but super effective in the fight against stinky odors. Just sprinkle it where you want to say, "Bye-bye, smelly stuff!" and let Baking Soda work its odor-removal wonders.

Nature's Odor Filter (Activated Charcoal)

Activated charcoal is like a super sponge that loves to eat stinky smells. It has tiny holes that grab onto the yucky odors and keep them locked away. Imagine it as a secret superhero in your home, quietly making everything smell nice.

Hotels use activated charcoal to help guests feel comfortable. They put it in places where people like to hang out, like in rooms and lobbies. It's like a magical helper that makes sure the hotel always smells fresh and clean. And guess what? There are special odor removal services that use chlorine dioxide to get rid of odor in hotels!

What Is the Best Pet Odor Eliminator?

A Natural Deodorizer (Coffee Grounds)

Ever wonder why coffee smells so nice? Well, the secret is in the used coffee grounds! You know, the stuff left after making your morning cup. Those coffee grounds are like little superheroes for taking away stinky smells. Hotels use them, too! They put the coffee grounds in places where smells can be yucky, like trash cans or closets.

The coffee grounds don't just sit there. They go on a mission to absorb and remove the odors. It's like a magic trick that makes the place smell better. They're helping keep things smelling fresh and nice! And that's why hotels love using them for their odor removal services.

What is The Best Odor Eliminator?

The Multi-Purpose Odor Eliminator (White Vinegar)

Meet White Vinegar, a helpful hero for making places smell nice! White vinegar is like a magic potion that fights against stinky smells in our homes and hotels. It's not just for salads—pouring a little in a spray bottle can help say goodbye to yucky odors.

When rooms or spaces need a fresh hug, white vinegar is here to save the day. You can put it in rooms, bathrooms, and other spots where people like to hang out. But remember, grownups should handle it, as it's strong stuff. White vinegar is like a friend; it makes bad smells disappear without any tricks. Hotels and homes can call on white vinegar as their secret helper.  Even get special odor-removal services to keep everything smelling just right!

Harnessing Natural Minerals for Odor Control (Zeolite)

Imagine a tiny helper in your hotel that loves to eat bad smells—that's zeolite! Zeolite is like a magical sponge made of natural minerals. When smells try to play hide-and-seek, Zeolite catches them and says, "Gotcha!" It doesn't use any tricky chemicals, just its special rock powers. Hotels use zeolite in different spots to keep everything smelling nice.

It's like having a secret friend in the room, making sure no stinky odors stay too long. Zeolite is also used in some special odor removal services; it is used to keep hotels fresh and clean. So, next time you visit a hotel, there might be a little zeolite friend. Who is working hard to make your stay super comfy and smell super good?

Fragrant Solutions with Odor-Fighting Properties (Essential Oils)

Imagine tiny drops of liquid that smell nice and can help make places smell better. These magical drops are called essential oils! Essential oils are like the nice smell of flowers, but even stronger. You can find them in plants like lavender, lemon, or peppermint. People use these oils to make rooms and places smell good.

It's like a natural trick to make things fresh! Sometimes, in hotels, essential oils can be like little helpers to fight bad smells. They can be put in special machines or sprays to make the air happy and fresh. Some hotels even use odor-removal services with essential oils.

Green Allies in Odor Control (Houseplants)

Houseplants are like our home's little helpers in keeping the air nice and fresh. These green buddies, such as spider plants, also help get rid of yucky smells. How? Well, plants take in the air around them and use their special plant magic to make it better. They can even absorb stinky stuff and make our rooms smell clean and happy. So, having some leafy friends in our homes can make things smell as good as a field of flowers!

Sometimes, though, our homes might need some extra help from odor removal companies. These companies are like experts who know all about making bad smells disappear. They use special tools and tricks to help us out when the stink is too strong for our plant pals. So, it's like having plant superheroes and odor removal work together to keep our hotels clean.

Cautionary Fresheners (Ozone Generators)

Ozone generators are like machines that make special air to remove smells in a room. But be careful! Too much of this special air, called ozone, can be bad for people. It's important to use them in the right way. Some hotels and houses use caution when using these machines.

Odor removal companies might use them to help get rid of really stubborn smells. It's a bit like magic, but you need to follow the rules to make sure everyone stays safe and happy. Always ask a grown-up for help when using these cautionary fresheners!

Ensuring a Pleasant Atmosphere in Hotels

Keeping a hotel smelling nice is super important! Odors can make guests feel yucky, so hotels use different things to make the air fresh. Baking soda, like the one in your kitchen, is a big helper. It grabs bad smells and makes them go away.

Hotels also use vinegar, like the one on your salad, to fight bad odors. It's kind of like a superhero for making the air nice again. Sometimes, hotels might call in an odor removal company to help them get rid of really tricky smells. These companies use special tools and tricks to make sure the hotels are clean.



An Odor Pros Affiliate, may or may not provide housekeeping services; however, they will always clean homes & business - the ones that scare the average cleaning contractor away is our forte. You see, the presence of smoke odor is the presence of a problem, and we have the cure.


We eliminate the odors that fragrances can't cover, and ozone can't destroy: pet odors, tobacco, musty, stale air, odors from mold, mildew, hard workouts or bad living - we guarantee to rid them from your world, and then support you with the products necessary to keep them away!


Not all disinfectants are alike.

Many are sold by their fragrance, rather than by their performance. Fragrance has nothing to do with protecting your world.

We only use those that will rid germs quickly and leave no toxic residue behind. We insist on offering safer solutions.


Disinfectants only work when their wet - for about 10 minutes out of the day. Germs are deposited 1440 minutes of the day (24 hours), so we offer the application of non-toxic, completely sustainable coatings that keep bugs at bay. Surface protectants are your very best defense.

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

Of Western Pennsylvania

We Provide Odor Removal Services to These Counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania:

  • Allegheny
  • Armstrong
  • Beaver
  • Butler
  • Fayette
  • Greene
  • Indiana
  • Lawrence
  • Washington
  • Westmoreland

We Also Serve These Counties of West Virginia:

  • Brooke
  • Hancock
  • Marshall
  • Ohio

OdorPros of Western PA

Professional Odor Removal Services for Pittsburgh & The Allegheny Valley

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Tel: 412.628.3011 | Email: westpa@odor-pros.com

Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

OdorPros of Western PA

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