Category Pet Odor

How To Get Out Pee Smell In Carpet?

dog is sad after peeing on carpet
To make the stinky pee smell go away from carpets, you can use something called chlorine dioxide. It's like a secret superhero for saying bye-bye to yucky odors. First, gather what you need, and make sure to do it where the air can move around.

How To Get Pet Smell Out Of Carpet?

A dog is sitting on a carpet under a shawl.
Grab some paper towels or a soft cloth and gently soak up the wetness. If it's a new mess, mix a bit of soapy water and pat it on the spot. This helps to stop the smell in its tracks. Remember, fast action is your best pet odor eliminator sidekick!

How To Get Rid Of Pet Odor In House?

a golden retriever dog sitting on a carpet and a happy family in background sitting on couch.
When it comes to making our homes smell nice and clean, we can use special things that soak up yucky smells. These special things are called odor-absorbing materials. You can put them near places where pets like to hang out.

How To Get Rid Of Urine Smell In Carpet?

urine stain on green carpet and a dog standing besides looking sad.
When there's a wet spot on the carpet, you should act fast. Use paper or a cloth to gently soak up the wetness. Press down hard, but don't rub the spot. Rubbing can make it spread. Once you do that, try not to let the wet spot stay for too long.

What Is the Best Pet Odor Eliminator?

Pet odor eliminators are special helpers that make bad smells from pets go away. There are different kinds of them. Some work like detectives, finding the smelly parts and making them disappear. These are called Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) based cleaners. They are like secret agents that break down the yucky stuff causing the stink.

How To Get Rid of Cat Odor in House?

a person cleaning carpet and a cat sitting beside sadly.
Eliminating cat smells in your home can be challenging. Anyway, following specific steps ensures your place remains clean and fresh. Before you use any special spray to remove the smell, you need to clean the area where the cat odor is.
Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

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