Category Pet Odors

How To Get Rid of Dog Urine Smell in House?

a dog peed on carpet and a girl getting angry on him
Dog urine smells can be a tricky problem in our homes, especially when we have furry friends. Sometimes, dogs might have accidents inside, and that can leave a stinky smell behind. But don't worry! We can do things to make our homes smell nice again.

How to Remove Dried Urine Smell from Carpet?

a puppy peed on carpet and standing besides it.
Well, pee is mostly water, especially when it’s fresh. By blotting (that’s just a fancy word for gently pressing), you stop the pee from sinking deeper into your carpet. It’s like stopping a spreading puddle before it becomes a big mess. So, take your time and keep blotting until you can’t get any more liquid out.

Say Goodbye to Pet Bed Odors: The Ultimate Guide

a dog is comfortably sleeping in his bed.
Keeping your pet's bed and bedding clean and odor-free is essential for their health and well-being, as well as for a harmonious living environment. By following a regular cleaning routine, using pet-safe products, and incorporating natural odor-absorbing remedies, you can bid farewell to unpleasant pet bed odors.

Carpets and Rug Odors: Tips and Tricks for a Better Scent

a puppy peed on carpet and standing besides it.
Carpets and rugs play an essential role in creating a cozy and comfortable living environment. However, they can also trap and retain unwanted odors over time. With the right approach and a bit of effort, you can restore your carpets and rugs to their former freshness and keep your home smelling clean and inviting.
Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

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