Odor-Pros- odor removal experts for Pittsburgh and all of Western Pennsylvania

How To Get Rid of Fish Smell in House?

Do you ever cook fish in your kitchen and then notice a stinky smell that doesn't want to leave? That smell can be a bit tricky! It's like a little fishy friend who doesn't know when to say goodbye. But don't worry! We've got some super easy tricks to help you make your home smell fresh and nice again.

A Comprehensive Guide To Banish The Lingering Fish Odor:

Do you ever cook fish in your kitchen and then notice a stinky smell that doesn't want to leave? That smell can be a bit tricky! It's like a little fishy friend who doesn't know when to say goodbye. But don't worry! We've got some super easy tricks to help you make your home smell fresh and nice again.

You know, sometimes when we cook fish, the smell likes to stick around. It's not very polite, is it? But guess what? We can show that smelly fish friend the way out.  It's like telling the fishy smell, "Hey, time to go home now!" So, let's learn some cool and easy ways to make our homes smell awesome again after cooking fish!

Immediate Actions

When you notice a stinky fish smell in your house, there are some things you can do right away to make it better. First, let the fresh air come in! Open your windows and doors to let the yucky smell go outside. If you have a special fan in your kitchen, turn it on to blow away the stink. It's like giving your house a big breath of fresh air.

Next, it's time to clean up a bit. Grab a cloth and wipe down your kitchen counters. These are the places where the fishy smell might be hiding. Also, check your kitchen machines like the oven and microwave – they can trap smells too. Make sure to throw away any fishy stuff in the trash, and take the trash bag outside. Doing these quick things can help you start saying goodbye to the fishy smell right now!

Ventilate Your Kitchen

Ventilation strategies are like giving your house a breath of fresh air. When we cook fish, the smell can stick around, but we can chase it away with these easy tricks. First, open your windows and doors wide. Let the outside air come in and say hello to the fishy smell, making it leave. It's like a big yawn for your house.

Then, turn on your kitchen's superhero helper – the exhaust fan. Imagine it as a friendly breeze that blows away all the smells from cooking. It's like when you blow on hot soup to cool it down. The fan helps the fishy smell fly out the window, leaving your home smelling nice and fresh. These simple moves help our homes take a big, refreshing breath and say goodbye to the fishy scent.

Open Windows and Doors

Opening windows and doors is like giving your home a breath of fresh air. Imagine your house is like a big box, and when you cook fish, the smell gets stuck inside. But if you open windows and doors, it lets the stinky air go outside and brings in the nice, fresh air from outside. It's like telling the bad smell, "Go away, we want our house to smell good!"

When you open a window, you're like a magician making the bad smells disappear. The wind comes in and takes the fishy smell away. It's like a magic trick that helps your house feel clean and happy.

Use Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are like magic helpers in your kitchen. When you cook fish, they help take away the smelly air. Picture this after you've cooked your tasty fish, turn on the exhaust fan. It's usually above your stove or on the wall. This fan quickly sucks up the smelly air and sends it outside. Bye-bye, fishy smell!

Now, let's talk about why this works. The fan works a bit like a big vacuum cleaner. It grabs the stinky air and sends it away, so your kitchen smells fresh again. Remember to ask a grown-up for help if you're not sure where your exhaust fan is. It's a simple trick that can make your home smell much better after a fishy dinner adventure!

Consider Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are like magic machines that help clean the air in your home. These machines have filters that grab the yucky stuff, making the air much cleaner. To use an air purifier, you just plug it in and let it do its job. So, if the fishy smell is bothering you, having an air purifier around can be a great idea. It's an easy way to keep the air in your home clean and happy!

a girl have a fish in her hand and second hand on her nose

Quick Cleaning Tips

When you need to get rid of that fishy smell fast, quick cleaning can save the day! Grab a clean cloth and wipe down surfaces where the fishy stuff touched. This includes tables, counters, and anything nearby. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies!

Next up, let's tackle those kitchen machines. Your microwave and oven might be holding onto some fishy secrets. Wipe them down inside and out. If there are little trays or racks, give them a bath in soapy water. Don't forget to take out the trash. Fishy bits can sneak in there, making your home smell fishier than a fish market! Tie it up, take it out, and say goodbye to the fishy stink. Remember, a little cleaning can go a long way!

Wipe Down Surfaces

Wiping down surfaces is like giving your kitchen a big hug to get rid of that fishy smell. Why is this so important? Well, when we wipe down surfaces, we're saying, "Go away, fishy smell!" We're taking away the smelly bits left behind. It's like cleaning up your toys after playing; it makes everything nice and fresh. So, grab a cloth, and a splash of soapy water, and make those surfaces sparkle and smell clean!

Clean Kitchen Appliances

Start with the microwave. It's that box that heats your food up super fast! Take a bowl and fill it with water. Squeeze a fresh lemon into the water. Put the bowl in the microwave and heat it up for about 2 minutes. The steam from the lemony water helps to loosen up the fishy smell stuck in the microwave. After it's done, use a soft cloth to wipe the insides clean. You'll be saying bye-bye to that fish smell!

Now, let's talk about the oven. The oven is like a big, warm box where you bake delicious things. To clean it, mix some baking soda with water to make a paste. Spread this paste inside your oven and let it sit for a bit. It's like giving your oven a little spa treatment! Then, use a sponge to scrub away the fishy smell. Rinse it off, and voilĂ ! Your oven is now fresh and ready for more tasty cooking adventures. So, give these tricks a try, and soon your kitchen will smell great again!

Dispose of Fish Waste Properly

First, make sure to wrap any fishy parts, like fish heads or bones, in a tight bag. This helps keep the smell inside. Next, tie the bag securely before placing it in the outdoor trash bin. If possible, take the trash out right away. This way, the fishy bits won't have time to spread their smell in your kitchen.

It's also a good idea to rinse out the indoor trash can with a little bit of soapy water after you take out the trash. This helps get rid of any leftover smells in the can. By being careful with how you handle fish waste, you can keep your kitchen smelling fresh and clean!

Odor Neutralization

One champion in this story is baking soda. You know, the white powder your mom uses in the kitchen. Well, it's not just for baking cookies! Baking soda works like a magical sponge. When you put bowls of it around your home, it soaks up the yucky odors. It's like inviting a little helper to eat up all the smelly stuff. You can also sprinkle baking soda on carpets or furniture where the fish smell is hiding, and then vacuum it up. That way, your home can be fresh and cozy again, without any traces of that fishy adventure in the kitchen!

Baking Soda Magic

Have you ever heard about the incredible magic of baking soda? It's like a secret superhero that can make bad smells disappear! When your house smells like fish, baking soda is here to save the day. All you need to do is grab a bowl and fill it with some baking soda. Then, put it in the smelly area. Baking soda loves to absorb bad smells, making the air around it smell fresh and clean.

But wait, there's more! Baking soda can also help your carpets and furniture smell better. Just sprinkle a little bit of baking soda on them and let it sit for a while. Later, you can vacuum it up, and poof! The stinky odors are gone, leaving your home smelling as good as new. Baking Soda is also used in home odor removal services.

Odor-Neutralizing Sprays

Odor-neutralizing sprays are like magic potions that help make bad smells disappear. Imagine a superhero for your nose! You can find these sprays in the store, or you can make your own at home. Some sprays use natural ingredients like lemon, which smells fresh and clean. Others might have vinegar, which is like a superhero that fights against bad smells. When you use these sprays, you can make your house smell nice and clean. Just a little spritz here and there, and soon you won't even remember there was a fishy smell.

Prevention Tips for Future Cooking

When you cook fish, there are easy things you can do to stop the fishy smell from sticking around. First, make sure the kitchen has fresh air. You can do this by opening windows or using fans. Fresh air helps the smell go away. Also, when you cook, use a big fan or something called an exhaust fan if you have one in your kitchen. It helps take the smell outside.

Another cool trick is using tasty ingredients that fight the fishy smell. Lemons, vinegar, and yummy herbs can make the kitchen smell good while you cook. So, when you make fish, try adding a bit of lemon juice or some herbs. They're like nature's helpers, making sure your kitchen stays smelling nice and fresh. Remember, good smells while cooking means happy noses after eating!

Proper Ventilation During Cooking

When we cook yummy fish dishes, it's important to make sure our kitchen doesn't get too smelly! One way to do that is by giving our kitchen some fresh air. Windows are like magic doors for the smelly air to escape. Now, let's talk about the cool fans. You know, those big fans above the stove? They're like superheroes that can blow away the fishy smell. Turn them on when you cook, and they'll make sure the smelly air doesn't stick around.

Deep Cleaning For Stubborn Odors

Ask a grown-up for help and use soapy water to clean surfaces where fish was prepared. Don't forget to clean the microwave and oven if they join in the fishy adventure. Next, tackle the soft things. If curtains and bedding caught a whiff of the fishy smell, put them in the washing machine with some soap. If you can, ask a grown-up for help because washing machines might be too big for us to handle. For carpets, sprinkle some baking soda on them and leave it for a while, like a magic powder. Then, vacuum it up, and say bye-bye to the stubborn fish smell.

Thorough Cleaning Checklist

Thorough cleaning is like giving your home a big hug to get rid of that fishy smell. Here's a simple checklist to help you clean every nook and cranny


Grab a soft cloth and some gentle cleaner. Wipe down tables, countertops, and kitchen surfaces. Make sure to get into the corners where smells like to hide.

Carpets and Upholstery

Carpets and sofas can trap smells like little sponges. Sprinkle baking soda on them and let it sit for a while. Then, use a vacuum to suck up the baking soda and those pesky smells.

Curtains and Linens

Don't forget about curtains and bedsheets! Toss them in the washing machine with a bit of fresh-smelling detergent. A good wash will say goodbye to any lingering fishy odors.

Professional Cleaning Services

Professional home cleaning services are like friendly helpers for your house. When your home needs a deep clean, these cleaning experts can do the hard work for you. Imagine a team of cleaning wizards coming to your home. They mop and sweep the floors, wipe down all the surfaces, and even make your windows shiny. These professionals know the best tricks to get rid of tough smells, like fish odors.

Establishing Regular Cleaning Routines

Imagine you have a checklist of things to do each week to make sure your home smells nice. Start by picking a day, like every Saturday or Sunday, to do your cleaning adventures. First, grab a buddy, like a family member or friend, to join in the fun. Together, you can wipe down tables, clean surfaces, and even sweep the floors. It's important to put away toys and clothes, just like a game of hide-and-seek with your belongings. Don't forget to take out the trash, especially if there's anything stinky in there.

Use Air Fresheners And Natural Scents

Air fresheners are like tiny magic sprays that make the air smell good. You can find them in stores, and they come in different smells like flowers, fruits, or even cookies! Just be careful not to use too much, a little spray or a few drops are usually enough. Natural scents are smells from nature, like flowers, herbs, or citrus fruits. You can bring these into your home to make it smell fresh. Try putting a bowl of fresh oranges in your kitchen or a bunch of flowers in your living room. You can also simmer a pot of water with slices of lemon and a few cinnamon sticks on the stove. The warm steam will carry a yummy smell all around your home.



An Odor Pros Affiliate, may or may not provide housekeeping services; however, they will always clean homes & business - the ones that scare the average cleaning contractor away is our forte. You see, the presence of smoke odor is the presence of a problem, and we have the cure.


We eliminate the odors that fragrances can't cover, and ozone can't destroy: pet odors, tobacco, musty, stale air, odors from mold, mildew, hard workouts or bad living - we guarantee to rid them from your world, and then support you with the products necessary to keep them away!


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